AustraliaPost has confirmed parcel prices will increase by 13.49 per cent for regional,rural and remote areas, while metropolitan areas will have their prices slashedby up to 32 per cent. The organisation stated a lower density of parcels andvariable transport costs in regional areas as the key drivers of the priceincrease.
“AustraliaPost increasing its parcel postage prices for regional, rural and remote areasis another slap in the face for small businesses in regional areas,” Mr Littleproudsaid.
“Bushbusinesses that have already battled to keep their doors open through prolongeddrought and the Covid-19 pandemic are facing yet another financial hurdle withAustralia Post’s price hike on regional parcel postage.
“Throughthe drought we have seen a rise in regional, rural and remote businesses takingtheir products online to diversify their customer base, and those businessesare now paying the price for their success.”
MrLittleproud said one Maranoa business owner had produced evidence showing theirparcel cost increase was in fact between 20 to 40 per cent, rather than the13.49 per cent Australia Post had suggested.
MrLittleproud also detailed one example where it was cheaper to post a 10kilogram parcel a distance of 2004 kilometres across Australia from Brisbane toAdelaide, than it was to post the same parcel 417 kilometres along the NewEngland Highway from Warwick to Tamworth, New South Wales, merely because thecapital rate was much cheaper than the remote rate.
“Thisis yet another example of regional businesses being put on the back foot bydecisions made in capital cities,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Notonly are these cost increases having a major impact on small businesses inregional areas, but they are also counterintuitive to post-Covid economicrecovery.”
MrLittleproud said he had written to the Minister for Communications asking foran investigation into these regional cost increases and the resulting impactsfor businesses outside metropolitan areas.
“Iwill always fight for our bush businesses to ensure they receive fairtreatment, no matter where they are located,” Mr Littleproud said.