ST PATRICK’S Emerald Primary School geared up for Clean Up Australia Day last weekend with students participating in events both on and off campus.
School Clean Up Australia Day Organiser Kylie Heinemann said while students were encouraged to participate in council’s annual Clean Up Australia Day event, they also participate during school hours.
“We dedicate a lunch-time on Friday for students to collect rubbish from around the school grounds,” she said.
Ms Heinemann said although students were taught its importance, conversations about the impacts of litter on the environment were not limited to Clean Up Australia Day.
“We look at how rubbish can affect the ecosystem, both in Australia and around the world,” she said.
“We get them to realise we are a small part of a bigger picture, and all of the little impacts we can make are meaningful.
“They do make a difference.”
Ms Heinemann said the importance of proper waste disposal was encouraged as a matter of day-to-day practice at the school.
“We’ve got a recycling program within our school,” she said.
“We have specially assigned bins, so the children know to put particular bits of rubbish in those bins.
“We’re also part of Containers for Change, so students know we’re contributing to the community.”