Arts group success no mystery

The team at Moranbah Arts hard at work rehearsing their Murder Mystery. PHOTOS: Supplied.

MORANBAH Arts is set to host its first theatre performance in three years with their Murder Mystery production on Sunday.
Moranbah Arts president Amanda Raymond said she was excited for the group to hit the stage after such a long hiatus.
“We haven’t done a play in three years so this is our first time back on stage,” she said.
“It’s quite exciting, it’s a bit of breakthrough.
“Some people have never been on stage and some people are really well rehearsed.”
Ms Raymond said the event would coincide with celebrations in Moranbah.
“There’s a big 50th anniversary celebrating Moranbah,” she said.
“It was canned last year because of the COVID but it’s on again, so from Friday until Monday there’s an event on every day.”
Ms Raymond said it was an exciting time for the group.
“In these last three years we’ve actually got a big home… we’ve got a bigger building now,” she said.
“We’re on the up and up. We do all sorts of things: workshops, dance, acting, travelling plays, travelling comedians…
“It’s going really well and we’re doing a lot all the time to get it up and going; we’ve put $100,000 already into the building, with grants and everything.”
Ms Raymond said the production was about serving the community and providing them with a good time.
“They can come for a gold coin donation; the bar will be open so they can stay afterwards and have a sausage sizzle with us, kick back, have a look at the building and everything we’ve done,” she said.
“I just want everyone to come and have a nice relaxing time.”