Local school pulls out all the stops for Easter fete

The Emerald community came together to celebrate easter on March 26. PHOTO: Ali Goddard.

Emerald State School held its Easter Fete on Friday, March 26, bringing Easter cheer to people of all ages.
The event started at 5.30pm and was packed with rides, games, and treats for everyone to enjoy before wrapping up at 9.30pm.
Emerald State School P&C member Brett Wilson said “it was quite a big event”.
“Everything went smoothly, and everyone had a really good time,” Mr Wilson said.
“We had planned for just about what we got, and we’re aiming to get any bigger.
“Our COVID-19 officer and cleaners covered the event perfectly and were well on top of everything,” he said.
Mr Wilson said there were lots on offer at the fete.
“We had a school lane home products stall, a barbecue stall, lollies and glow toys, raffles, an arcade, rides like the dodgems, jumping castles and slides, fairy floss and wonderful entertainment from TEAK, a local musician,” he said.
“We also had two toad races, with Jerry Springer winning the first race and Betty Croaker winning the second.
“Compliments goes to staff and volunteers and a big thanks must go to the community for coming along.”
For all information on upcoming events, follow Emerald State School on Facebook.