Firstheld two weeks ago, Elders District Wool Manager and webinar host, Brett Smith,said more than 50 people attended the inaugural webinar, with discussed topicsincluding the current status of the wool market and how producers can moveforward amid the current climate.
“We had96 people register and 52 attended on the night,” Mr Smith said. “Primarytopics of discussion were the current and future volatility in the wool market,and how growers can manage this.
“Wealso covered the aspects of sheep production you can control, such ascapitalising on the break in the season to rebuild the flock with improved reproductionrates.”
Workingalongside producers for more than 15 years, Mr Smith said the feedback from theApril webinar had been excellent and believed these online meetings providedproducers the essential information needed during these isolated times.
“Feedbackhas all been positive, both with topics and presentation,” Mr Smith said.“Webinars and online training are great resources for topics you want to gainmore insight into, plus it is another way to stay connected to other producerswhile we are isolated more than usual.
“Controlwhat you control. This can be a great time to stop and reassess thesustainability of your sheep and wool business.”
Afollow-up webinar is planned for early June and will focus on how producers canimprove lamb marking rates.